A member of Grameen Koota for over a decade, Savitha has been prompt in her repayments and she is proud of it. “We are grateful to Grameen Koota for providing loans. Everybody in my family is saying that Grameen Koota is good and I should continue,” she said.
Recollecting her association with Grameen Koota, Savitha said the timely loans from Grameen Koota helped her meet several life-cycle needs — whether to expand her business, add one more floor to her house or to pay her children’s school fees.Savitha has a daughter and a son who are studying in a local school and she said the education loan from Grameen Koota has continuously helped her whenever the school fees payment is due. Last year, Savitha availed home construction loan from Grameen Koota and added one more floor to their house. “Now we have more space to store coconuts and sell them when the price is right,” she explained.In addition, Savitha has three milch cows, providing around 20 litres of milk daily, which is giving the family a constant source of income. Now that they have ventured into coconut business, Savitha is more confident. “Coconut business is any day, more profitable,” she said brimming with confidence.